It has been a long time since Ash and Misty were training their pokemons and taking parts ina ll kinds of tournaments they could. Now they are both growned up and Misty even offers her own show labeled as"Pokemon Move!" And in order to reunite with her old friend and at the same time to make the episode with the most highest raitings of the history of this show she invites Ash as guest star! But once Ash will see how sexy looking his girlfirned Muisty has become not only the raitings will go through the rough - his boner will do the same as well! And there is no use to tell you what will happen next if you can begin this game at the moment and enjoy all the sweet and sexy details by yourself - and you don't even have to be the fan of Pokemon universe to enjoy it!
At last! Pokemon fitness instructor Misty has lastly got the pocket monster of her dreams and it ended up being... Ash Ketchum's huge and difficult dick! Yes, often to get something you truly want you don't really have to go veyy far. And indeed once again, one more one wonderful and adorable anime redhead turned out be a total and overall slut! This time around - with your assistance. Play the game and take pleasure in the show!