Katie chose to give one room for rent and put an advertisement in magazine. There were a lot of calls from sexy guys with big muscles and big dicks but she couldn't understand why she didn't need them.One day came a hot girl Brandy and Katie just couldn't refuse her.
From thsi new scene of"Katie's diaries" you will find out what happened with Katie after she had to refuse to continue any relationships with Johnny. And you truly should check each of the previous vignettes (can be seen on our website) because not only you will know the story and characters but also have a lot of jokey and sexy moments. Also it won't take too much of your time - each scene is an animated story that lasts few minutes long. And now to this section. Once Katie is ingle again her roomie Brandy is quite opposite - she has new sexy friend Deina. Today they will have a crazy hookup nigth at Brandy's place and since Katie is home and alone they could even invite her to join the fun. But what would Katie reaction to this sort of invitation? View the story to discover!
If you enjoyed seeing Katie's private life then we have a surprise for you - 4th chapter of her diaries is here! Katie's new roomie Brandy seems to be overproductive - no matter is it about her dayly job at the some laboratory or banging one guy after anotehr at nights. Ofcourse Katie wanst to learn more about Brandy's methods and to see them with he rown eyse she makes a decision to invite her to the night club. Here nymphs will have some party and Katie will eventually find out what it takes from Brandy to find a hot stud in her mitts. If you got interested too then don't miss this scene of animated series with manga porn elements"Katie's Diaries"! Also it is recommended to watch previous scenes before you will launch this one in the event you have not seem them before.
It is time to roll the pages and take a slink peek into Katie's diary for the eighth time now. Especially now when Katie's new best girlfriend and roomie Brandie is having a lot of fun with her fuck acquaintance while our big-boobed redhead main heorine remains lonely. Ofcourse Brandie is witnessing all that as a good friend she is planning to give Katie a little bit of push into proper driection of putting her personal life back on the tracks again. In order to do that she has prepared a suprise for Katie which is... which is we are not going to tell you about not to spoil the fun! In addition, in the event you have been foloowing Katie's story then you undoubtedly should not mis sthis epsiode which is very likely going to be the final chapter of her private adventures (for now?).
Katie may not have very titillating intimate life but even she has some truly nice vignettes. And to find the most interesting of them you might have to look into her diary... She once again has to go hunting for guys since Katie's last relationship didn't end well. Even if it will be some dude from her work... and by the way she has noticed one fellow that she is interested in enough to invite him to her own place! And while Katie doesn't mind for another one male to come in her life there might be someone else who might disagree. And this some one is Chewy - her dog! See this epsiode till the end and you will learn why this story was worth to be written as one of Katie's journal chapter. And for other scenes from this animated series you can always go to our website!
Still want to know what dirty secrets Katie keeps in her diary? Then get ready to slink in that novel of hers in fifth time! In this gig you will know that Katie has a girlfriend named Brandy. Katie and Brandy have a mutual friend named Jim who works at the night club so the question about where two horny ladies can spend tonight's evening was answered in no time! And looks like this is one of those night when an individual girlfriend is mor elucky than the other one. But who got fucked in a dirty cabin of night club and who got a romantic date with gorgeous dude? You will have to find this out by yourself by playing this game! Of course if you enjoyed Katie's adventures you may look for some other gigs of this anime porn series - just visit our website!
"Katie's diaries" is a series of hilarious and sexy animations that will tell you about the private life of Katie - sweet redhead woman with big titties (yep, it is them you watch right now). Just hit the play button and see what else probelms our woman is going to solve with some help of her best girlfriend, her dog Chewie or... her own own sexy body ofcoruse! This is sixth scene of this series (and the other sequences you can always find on our website) and from it you will find out what has happened after our chicks Katie and brandie has devote a very fun night at the club. Like just having a headache is not enough For Katie there will be not one but two boys who are showcasing their interest in Katie this morning. Which one of them Katie will choose and for what kind of funtime?
Red-haired Katie had some difficulties in her personal life when she was left while not cash together with her man johnny. And though she fanciful the liberty to try to to no matter she blessed, there was solely an empty sofa and lonely self-abuse as a result of her nightly, that clearly offers her the right plan - she has to modification one thing in her life. However, what's it? Don't expect that we'll inform you now, as a result of if you're interested. Or maybe if you just love those lovely baps, you need to see this short, fun and part sexy themed animated series that helps you to creep a peek into Katie's diary to seek out out the funniest and most personal data regarding her new kicked off life-style modification. Let's begin the fun currently.