The impressive fantasy story of "Sanguine Rose" begins in a tiny tavern where a bucnh of mercenaries stay for the night. They are on a goal of recording Carmen Valentine yet it wont be completed till they will supply her to the city. Clealry our major heorine has some other plans and she will make use of all of her beauties and trickery to make a retreat from this rather tight scenario...
Sanguine Rose is a Grownup Visual Novel under development by Dusky Hallows Studio. The game revolves around the inviting and dominating High General Carmen Valentine and the mercenaries who have successfully captured her. The current build covers the very first of three days within the game and features over 30 lumps of high-quality artwork, completely expressive sprites, and approximately 20,000 words! If you'd like to learn more about the project or get into the most recent builds of the game, please visit our Blog and Patreon linked above. ---------------- Controls: Click the Dialogue box to advance, or press spacebar/enter. Click the'?' In the top left or press [I] to bring up the help menu. Press [s] or [esc] to bring up the Save/Load menu. Click the Jewel or the highlighted text to select a choice when prompted. Click the menu on the perfect side of the screen to see the gallery of graphics that is unlocked inside your existing scene. ----------------
"Sanguine Rose" is a novel written in the form of a visual that is only for adults. It is a blend of fantasy, an engaging storyline, many options that actually impact the plotline, a humorous... and of course lots of sexual activity! The main heroine of the tale is an adventurer named Carmen Valentine and her recent journey hasn't been as in the way she wanted when she was taken prisoner by mercenaries, who now plan to swap her for a bounty reward. But before they reach the city to get their reward, they'll need to spend the night at the tavern, which will surely provide Carmen with numerous possibilities to escape... however what one of the many possible options you'll get will be determined by your choices and the decisions you take from this point from now!