As the name of the game, this game will allow you to mix various things on a huge virtual stage that is provided by MrPinku! You can choose the main protagonist of the game who is a hot attractive girl of your preference, set up the background that will create an atmosphere of your choice and, of course, experiment with other characters, one of which could surprise you with their eggs! There is no need to describe what's to come next since the story will depend on the unique combination of various variables, so you'll likely get your own unique story. Don't forget to share your discoveries with us. might discover as you play another game from MrPinku!
Von Trell and Mewy Harker. These names seem like a couple of vampire hunters, eh? Well, most likely since they really are! And much like with any type of appropriate vampire hunters even a stop for a night at the tavern is going to bring new secrets, new risks... and new seductions! The only concern is which one of them will take over tonight? This part is really as much as you, our player!