Remember the impressiev gallery of female characters from the "Game of Thrones" series? All of them were figthing fordifferent houses, different purposes and using different methods yet still all of them have something in common - they all have slutty side in them! So will it be Sansa or Ygritte, Gilly or Arya - you have a chance with each of them once you will find the way to earn their depend on!
Ending up behind the bars in some dark and forgotten dungeon barely appears like a rightfull conclusion of a heroic occupation so when hot but unethical woman with fantastic magical powers pertains to you with a proposal of helping her to claim the throne you will barely want to refuse. But getting a freedom and a second chance - what are you going to make with them? Explore this fantasy world and make a decision for yourself how lots of monsters to slay and how lots of hotties to fuck!